The OrGan

Open Diapason No. 1 8
Open Diapason No. 2 8
Claribel Flute 8
Principal 4
Flute Ouverte 4
Fifteenth 2
Twelfth 2â…”
Mixture IV
Trumpet 8
Wald Flute 8
Viola de Gamba 8
Harmonic Flute 4
Nazard 22/3
Fifteenth 2
Tierce 13/5
Clarinet 8
Harmonic Posaune 8
Swell – Great
Choir – Great
Swell – Choir
Great – Pedal
Swell – Pedal
Choir – Pedal
Swell Octave
Swell Suboctave
Swell unison off
Open Diapason Lieblich 8
Salicional 8
Vox Angelica 8
Gemshorn 4
Fifteenth 2
Mixture III
Contra Fagotto 16
Cornopean 8
Oboe 8
Violone 16
Bourdon 16
Lieblich Bourdon 16
Octave 8
Bass Flute 8
Super Octave 4
Contra Fagotto 16
Trombone 16
Resultant 32
Built by Henry “Father” Willis (one of England’s most distinguished organ builders) the organ in St Jude’s was originally installed in St Jude’s Whitechapel in 1899. It was moved to St Jude’s in Hampstead Garden Suburb when the Whitechapel church was demolished. Originally installed at the west end of the church on a gallery, it was subsequently moved to its present position on the north and south sides of the choir. It underwent a major restoration in 1935 by Hill Norman & Beard.
A further comprehensive restoration and refurbishment was completed in October 2002 by David Wells Organ Builders of Liverpool.