The easiest way to set up a regular contribution to parish funds is via the 'Parish Giving' Scheme, through whom you may also 'Gift Aid' your donation. Under this scheme our Parish code is 230623304. You can find full details here Parish Giving or talk to a sidesperson.
General donations to parish funds can be made in church, as cash, cheque or contactless bank card (via our online terminals) or remotely by Bank Transfer to the account details below.
Our bank details are: Lloyds Bank
Account Name: St Jude on the Hill PCC
Sort Code: 30 93 50
Account Number: 34627668
( Adding the reference 'Donation' helps with our bookkeeping.)
All such donations can also be Gift Aided by UK tax payers, - bank transfers and cheques by advising our office of your donation with your name and address. Gift Aid increases the value of your donation by 25% ; which the the parish recovers from the taxman. Donations can also be designated toward the restoration of our Grade 1 listed building's fabric by adding the reference 'RenovateD Fund' to your donation.