Finding Inspiration iN JOYful Praise
As Anglicans we offer a rich, inclusive worship life in a traditional choral setting. Revelling in all that is glorious musically and liturgically, whilst enjoying a progressive theology inspired by the teaching and love of Jesus Christ.
Children are welcome at all our services.
Parish Eucharist
Our main parish service with the choir of St judes. Followed by refreshments and plenty of time to chat with the ministry team .
Monday to Friday
Morning & Evening Prayer 9am & 6pm
We meet Monday to Friday at 9am and 5pm to pray the daily offices. At 9am in the Lady Chapel & 5pm on Zoom
Christian Meditation
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Healing Eucharist
During term time we meet every week to celebrate the Holy Eucharist, with prayers of healing, followed by a light lunch.
A taste of our worship can be viewed here ... This special service for the Third Sunday of Advent is a service of song and word. The music in the service is by The sixth form St Jude-on-the-Hill Choral Scholars, Inspire programme and their Director of Music Nicholas Chalmers, along with Robert Vel, their pop scholar. Be sure to tune in and experience the spirit of Advent as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ.